Learn as if You were to Live Forever

It is truly said that there is no specific age to learn something. We may have a common belief that a child has to learn everything in his childhood. This is partly true but someone cannot learn everything in their entire life. We learn everyday from our day-to-day tasks. We gain experiences every passing moment. That's why it is true that we must never stop learning anything new.

As a child learns new subjects, languages, we must try to learn something in our daily life. It is not correct to think that this will not help me in the future. Some people tend to think that they are pretty grown up and do not have long-life ahead. This thought is not correct. We must always think the thing we learn today will help us tomorrow. It is not necessary to start learning new languages or subjects. We should either learn good virtues, new hobbies, some kind of knowledge, etc.

A man learns how to live properly near his old age. So, it is never a correct time start a new life, start something new. We will never know where it will lead us to.